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Common services in our hotel rooms

 For welcome you greatly in our hotel situated in Jura hearth at two steps of the chalain lake, here is the common services of all our rooms.



  • Check-in formalities:
  • Telephone reception: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm
  • Check-in time: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (Please notify us in advance if you arrive outside of these hours)
  • Check-out time: 11:00 AM or earlier


  • Breakfast :

  •  Continental breakfast
  • Hours : 8:00 am to 9:30 am


  •  Half-board / Evening stopover:
  • Available from the first night
  • Half-board is not available in case of food intolerance or allergy. During a stay, a specific menu is possible with a supplement of €15 per day per person concerned. Please inform the hotel at the time of booking


  • Gift vouchers :
  • For a special event or just to please someone: consider offering a gift voucher to introduce your family or friends to our warm house and its cuisine of subtle flavors.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email.



Sales conditions



All booking stay need to be paid (deposit deduced). No cancelation are alowed during the stay.


Arrival time :

Please program your arrival between 5pm and 7pm.

in case of later arrival please inform the reception of your residence.

Departure time:

The room have to be free before 11am, the departure day.


La maison du Lac Chalain



La Maison du Lac Chalain

806 rue des 3 Lacs


Tel : +33(0)384257121 


Contact by email


Book online


© 2018-2024 La Maison du Lac Chalain